Friday, October 19, 2012

Food - what is your body demand?

Human body is like a Bike or Car, which demand food for maintain the body energy like bike demand oil while moving. But we are human being, who takes food like as a routine.

Most of people are out of shape because they have a thing in mind that now this is time(lunch) for eat. Have you thought, what we are eating and when, why??

Yes, When you are going to take a food before that think for a minute is this correct time, If you working person then you mostly eat food at a particular time. End is you are out of shape. Always eat according your need not according to time. If you are sit whole the day then please avoid food which you take after small interval, Always prefer a long pause between two intake. Do not eat upto neck, leave space for more food to intake.

This keep you fit and will come you in shape.

1 comment:

Subrata said...

Good advice. I'll add that we should all adopt a healthy lifestyle. It includes a healthy diet. See at: & find out how.